Create Better Meetings

A Great Chairperson Doesn’t Direct, They Listen, Support and Assist the Team

Being the chairperson of a meeting can be a challenging task and not everyone is immediately equipped.

However, it is possible to learn, and the ‘rules’ are easy to learn.

Leaders conduct

Meetings Really Do Make the World Go Round

There isn’t an organisation that doesn’t use meetings to understand problems, develop suggestions, take suggestions and develop solutions, to make decisions and resolve problems.

Being a skilled meeting chair will put you into a stronger position wherever you are, not only because your meetings will develop results but because you can be trusted to run meetings. This skill will open opportunities for your success.

Strategy meeting

Here’s What You’ll Learn

What are Meetings?

Before you turn up to a meeting, you need to know what a meeting is, and what you are trying to achieve.

Preparations for a Meeting

Meetings can be chaotic if you let them, but organising the meeting starts long before the meeting.

The Roles of the Chairperson

In the meeting, the chairperson needs to understand how people are working and help them achieve goals.

Dr Neil Schultz

Neil Schultz has been working with people in for nearly forty years in a number of professional environments. It became clear that a lot of the harm people experience is a result of a failure to understand themselves and the people around them.

The first thirty years was spent helping people understand themselves and others, usually in the wake of problems that had already developed. His focus has changed to prevention.

Prevention of problems allows people to navigate and lead happier, healthier lives. Of course speedbumps still present themselves, but with greater skills comes a greater capacity to succeed.

Hyperconnected eBook by Dr. Neil Schultz
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